Uvjeti trgovanja

Tržišno izvršenje
Tržišno izvršenje
cTraderPromjenjivi rasponi
Minimum: 553.00Prosjek: 689.08
Market Hours*Open Now
Market Hours*Open Now
Limit i Stop razina0
vrijednost 1 ticka0.01
Minimalna veličina ugovora0.01 lot
veličina 1 lota1 ETH
Vrijednost 1 PIPA u USD0.01 USD
Minimalni korak za povećanje veličine ugovora0.01 lot
Zahtjevi margine za otvaranje zaključane pozicije *0
Način provedbeMarket (irrelevant of platform or Account type)

* Samo ako je razina margine > 100%

Osigurani rasponi su odraz vremenski ponderiranog prosjeka od 09:00 do 21:00 (GMT) za razdoblje 01/04/2020 - 30/06/2020. Iako FxPro pokušava osigurati kompetitivne raspone tijekom svih sati trgovanja, klijenti moraju imati na umu da se oni mogu mijenjati i da su podložni uvjetima tržišta. Gore navedeno je osigurano samo kao indikator. Klijentima savjetujemo da provjere važne objave novosti na našem Ekonomskom kalendaru, koji mogu dovesti do proširenja raspona, među ostalim.

Gornji rasponi primjenjivi su pod normalnim uvjetima trgovanja. FxPro ima pravo dopuniti gore navedene raspone u skladu s tržišnim uvjetima, kako je navedeno u 'Uvjetima poslovanja'.


Many blockchain-based cryptocurrency projects have limited code and provide users with a strict set of operations. The creators of Ethereum have set themselves more ambitious goals.

The development team led by Vitaly Buterin aims to facilitate access to blockchain technology and expand its practical application.

Currently, Ethernet is the leading blockchain for the creation and implementation of smart contracts, as well as the launch of startups that use collective funding to attract investment

All computers involved in the Ethernet are combined into one, a distributed virtual machine that performs the actions specified in the smart contract. The network allows one to implement thousands of projects on a single platform without creating a new blockchain for each app.

To run a decentralisation application (dapp), a programmer writes code, puts the necessary actions into it, and uploads everything to the Ethereum blockchain.

Once launched, the program automatically runs on various remote hosts.

The entire system operates on the Ethereum cryptocurrency. Unlike many altcoins, the supply of ETH is infinite.