Uvjeti trgovanja

Tržišno izvršenje
Tržišno izvršenje
cTraderPromjenjivi rasponi
Minimum: 1.90Prosjek: 11.19
Market Hours*Open Now
Market Hours*Open Now
Limit i Stop razina0
vrijednost 1 ticka0.00001
Minimalna veličina ugovora0.01 lot
veličina 1 lota1 VET
Vrijednost 1 PIPA u USD0.00001 USD
Minimalni korak za povećanje veličine ugovora0.01 lot
Zahtjevi margine za otvaranje zaključane pozicije *0
Način provedbeMarket (irrelevant of platform or Account type)

* Samo ako je razina margine > 100%

Osigurani rasponi su odraz vremenski ponderiranog prosjeka od 09:00 do 21:00 (GMT) za razdoblje 01/04/2020 - 30/06/2020. Iako FxPro pokušava osigurati kompetitivne raspone tijekom svih sati trgovanja, klijenti moraju imati na umu da se oni mogu mijenjati i da su podložni uvjetima tržišta. Gore navedeno je osigurano samo kao indikator. Klijentima savjetujemo da provjere važne objave novosti na našem Ekonomskom kalendaru, koji mogu dovesti do proširenja raspona, među ostalim.

Gornji rasponi primjenjivi su pod normalnim uvjetima trgovanja. FxPro ima pravo dopuniti gore navedene raspone u skladu s tržišnim uvjetima, kako je navedeno u 'Uvjetima poslovanja'.


VeChain is a blockchain platform for entrepreneurs. It allows you to improve and make more transparent the process of supplying goods from the moment of production to delivery to the final buyer. The project also helps to track the full cycle of business processes. Merchants can take advantage of the built-in feature to digitise mark numbers and make chips for each edition, as well as combine all this information in a personal vault within the blockchain network. It turns out to be a full-fledged Internet of Things (IoT) technology in action.

This platform has already been introduced into their business by companies in agriculture, the automotive industry, the production of wines and other alcohol, as well as logistics companies, the trade sector, medical and pharmaceutical companies.

Among the capabilities of the Wichain network are downloading all previous history of a product (for example, about a car), checking the authenticity of luxury goods, identifying counterfeit and dangerous products - and much more).

The ICO of VET tokens took place in 2017. The goal of the coins was to be massively introduced into the business processes of all participating companies connected to the platform. At the end of 2018, the project received a new name VeChain Thor. The updated blockchain, wallet functionality, as well as advanced technologies such as VeChain Identity made it possible to develop additional decentralised applications based on the platform.