Uvjeti trgovanja

Tržišno izvršenje
Tržišno izvršenje
Minimum: 7.50Prosjek: 7.55
Market Hours*Closed Now
Market Hours*Closed Now
Minimalna veličina ugovora0.01 Index
Minimalni korak za povećanje veličine ugovora0.01 Index
vrijednost 1 ticka1 USD
Zahtjevi margine za otvaranje zaključane pozicije *0

* Samo ako je razina margine > 100%

Osigurani rasponi su odraz vremenski ponderiranog prosjeka od 09:00 do 21:00 (GMT) za razdoblje 01/04/2020 - 30/06/2020. Iako FxPro pokušava osigurati kompetitivne raspone tijekom svih sati trgovanja, klijenti moraju imati na umu da se oni mogu mijenjati i da su podložni uvjetima tržišta. Gore navedeno je osigurano samo kao indikator. Klijentima savjetujemo da provjere važne objave novosti na našem Ekonomskom kalendaru, koji mogu dovesti do proširenja raspona, među ostalim.

Gornji rasponi primjenjivi su pod normalnim uvjetima trgovanja. FxPro ima pravo dopuniti gore navedene raspone u skladu s tržišnim uvjetima, kako je navedeno u 'Uvjetima poslovanja'.

How we execute Indices CFDs

When you open a CFD position on indices with us, it will be aggregated and matched with other FxPro clients’ positions in the same market. Any excess exposure from our predefined in-house limits is hedged with our liquidity providers.

FxPro korporativna djelovanja

Price adjustments may be applied to eliminate the impact on clients’ trading accounts from a corporate action. Margin requirements may be subject to change before earnings announcements or any corporate action.


If you hold an open position on shares or Indices at the start of the business day (Server Time 00:00), which coincides with the ex-date of the respective underlying asset, a dividend is paid (or charged in the case of short positions). For Buy positions, the payment will be net of any withholding tax implications.

Withholding taxes depend on the country where the stock is domiciled, and clients are responsible for reporting withholding taxes in their respective country of residence.